Listen to Nature: Living in Harmony with the Earth

Listen to Nature: Living in Harmony with the Earth
NEW! A Spiritual Approach to the Environmental Crisis
and What Each of Us Can Do
Selected Writings and Talks by Sri Chinmoy
With Foreword by Jane Goodall
“[Sri Chinmoy] stresses the need for a deep spiritual connection with the natural world of which we are a part and on which we depend…Let us heed the words of this spiritual teacher before it is too late.”
Jane Goodall, renowned primatologist, in her Foreword to Listen to Nature
Sri Chinmoy offers his deep insights on the root causes of the environmental crisis and what each of us can do, in responding to questions from UN officials, professors and journalists spanning decades.
Each chapter features simple but powerful poetry illustrating our right relationship with Nature.
Includes a number of meditation techniques for focusing on the sky, the sea and other images from Nature, to help us find peace in a turbulent world.
Countering the dire news and despair we face each day concerning the global climate and environment, Listen to Nature offers an empowering message of hope, oneness and compassion.
A beautifully designed hard-cover volume in a unique, compact size – makes an excellent gift! Just published by Golden Shore in Europe, with distribution by Heart-Light in North America.
Urging that “each individual has a special role to play in the protection of our small planet,” Sri Chinmoy feels that “it is the illumination of the individual mind and spirit that will precede the awakening of a new collective awareness” and a “greater respect and love for our planet Earth.” But action is also crucial: “Every self-giving effort of every human being is needed to change the fate of this world.” In an epilogue on the power of hope, he shares his vision that, despite these dark times, in the not-too-distant future “a new light will dawn, and it will clear all the thick clouds that have gathered for years.”
“Recently William Shatner, Captain Kirk of Star Trek, travelled physically beyond the edge of outer space. He came back in tears, glowing in the aftermath of a transformative experience, having viewed the beauty, oneness and fragility of our shared Earth-Home. Not all of us can have the same experience Shatner had, but we can touch that precious realm of expanded awareness of universal Nature in Sri Chinmoy’s collected writings in Listen to Nature. This is a book to treasure in our own library and most urgently to share with others.”
--Thomas Pliske, PhD, Emeritus Faculty, Dept. of Earth and Environment, Florida International University, Miami
"With its beautiful writings, poems and drawings, Listen to Nature is a book that speaks to the heart. Other books are more scientific and focus on solutions. This one emphasizes the importance of the spiritual and the necessity of working on our inner selves. It has an energy of its own, and I love being able to open to any page and be immersed in hope and wisdom -- to be reminded of how blessed we are to be surrounded by the beauty of nature. There are so many passages that resonate with me.
"I am finding more and more a reliance on nature in its many forms as a balm for the soul, especially after being bombarded each day by the horrors in the news. It is Mother Nature trying to comfort us. Why would we not want to protect her?
"Thank you for this treasure, which will remain for me a source of endless inspiration."
--Marion, New York City
PLEASE VISIT: Our expanded Listen to Nature website that will share inspirations, blogs and ideas for how to apply Sri Chinmoy's philosophy on a practical level.